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listen the LIVE: ZAHO

Despre Zaho am tot scris, este o artista foarte talentata din Franta. Va las mai jos piesele "Je te promets", "C'est chelou", "La roue tourne", "Kif'n'dir", "Dima" precum si piesa lui Francis Cabrel "Je T'aimais Je T'aime Je T'aimerai". Toate LIVE, desigur.

Zaho is a French singer with a great voice. If you don't know her, listen now her songs "Je te promets", "C'est chelou", "La roue tourne", "Kif'n'dir", "Dima" and also a song from Francis Cabrel "Je T'aimais Je T'aime Je T'aimerai". All of them LIVE.

Je te promets

C'est chelou

La roue tourne



Je T'aimais Je T'aime Je T'aimerai