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  • Jeff Wheeler
    08-20 01:58 PM
    Yeah, I know that’s what it means, but I’ve heard it pronounced the other way IRL; I thought it was kinda funky, but cool.

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  • thomachan72
    01-12 08:28 AM
    Call me superstitious but just wanted to kick off this thread again in the hope that this miracle will repeat this year. I have a gut feeling 2011 will bring that magic moments again.

    Hi Floridasun, hope your superstition pulls off a miracle!!
    If it does I would strongly adivce you to purchase a lottery ticket :):):)

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  • Berkeleybee
    09-01 07:58 PM
    Hi All,

    Thanks for the warm words.

    I am very much around, just buried under a juggernaut project at work so I can't be IV 24-7. I hope to get a life in a month or so.

    I have too much invested in IV and this whole issue to just walk away. That Senate bill has stuff the IV content team cracked and crafted, which the rest of the crew strategized to actually get into the bill that passed. We have to carry it to the finish line -- which may look like a mirage right now -- but we will get there.

    Keep faith.


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  • sarasuva
    01-30 12:37 AM
    My employer says that USCIS confused with another employer with the same name who is not funcioning from 2003(Or this guys would have given their old Licence number of 2003 to USCIS while applying I140 which was overlooked by USCIS while approval). On this confusion they 'Intent to revoke'.My employer has sent the current licence they have to USCIS. So we are waiting for the decision. But I did not see the 'Intent to Revoke' letter myself. They are not sending it too. So i am nervous and thinking of other options.

    USCIS site says that additional documents has been received and they will make a decision soon.


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  • ajay
    05-22 06:58 PM
    Do we need to pay $340 for the second renewal of EAD and AP?

    USCIS page says, no fee only if you have filed 485 after July 30, 2007.
    I also have paid for EAD and AP for all of us,wife,son and myself.

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  • lecter
    July 26th, 2004, 09:13 AM
    semi??? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!


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  • Green.Tech
    07-18 01:37 PM
    It's hard to predict EB-2 vs. EB-3 movement but I would think that an earlier PD is the way to go.

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  • mantagon
    07-22 04:30 PM
    Even if you use AP to re-enter, instead of a H1 visa, you may still be able to maintain your H1 status, provided you continue working for the same employer.

    Hope this helps!

    is this is right?

    -> H1 (797 approval notice) is valid
    -> you enter USA on AP, you will get AOS status.
    -> H1 is still valid but unusable as the status is AOS.
    -> If anything happens to GC processing then you loose status, H1 will NOT become a backup.
    -> The only way you change from AOS to visa status is by renewing your H1 or change jobs with H1 ( or reenter USA on H1 Visa ).

    PS : I understand , H1 ( 791 approval notice ) and H1Visa are different.


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    01-31 08:36 PM
    DONE. Thanks for sharing. We all should take sometime and fill this form. Each individual voice adds and makes difference.

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  • H1B-GC
    11-06 04:24 PM
    Does bad credit history or defaults affect getting a job?
    Any ideas?

    Most companies and Financial sector in particular check the credit History.Dont you worry on a 30 day late payment 2 years back .They wont be so mean i guess. But filing for Bankrupcy or a History of late payments would raise a red Flag.


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  • Dhundhun
    06-25 02:16 AM
    Thanks for replying.

    For question number 3 can you give more details. What is AVR.
    Basically when going to neighbouring countries we give our I94 card and when entering the country(USA) they give a new I94card and stamp and put the date on it.

    so is it advisable to go out of country and reenter that way i will have new I94 card with new date on it, My only concern i got my ssn does it mean i lost H4 status as H4 are never given ssn, so in this situation if i go out of country and enter again will they put me questions as i have valid visa, i never applied AP and applied EAD but never used it.

    AVR stands for Automatic Visa Revalidation (http://www.wright.edu/ucie/students/travelautorevalidation.html).

    AVR is used, when travel is less than 30 days, Visa expired but I94 is valid.

    As a result of AVR procedures (even if you don't want to use AVR because you have valid visa), when you go to neighbouring country (such as Canada) and returning, at POE (point of entry) officer asks for I94 and if I94 is valid, you don't get new I94.

    Getting SSN does not put you out of H4 status. You need to show intention to work - as one of the examples using I-9 form to notify an employer puts out of H4 status.
    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=31b3ab0a43b5d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    You have valid Visa.

    #1. You go to India and when you come back, you get new I94.

    #2. If you go to Canada, after I94 is expired (less than 6 months out of status) you defenetely get new I94.

    #3. If you go to Canada, while I94 is valid you may request new I94. For business visitor they refuse new I94. Can someone commet, what happens in case of H1B or H4 Visa?

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  • psaxena
    11-19 04:05 PM
    Wait why not the immigration lawyer can advertise here and scare the shit of the people.
    Manpreet Bawa can do advertising for "Life Insurance" and Hebbar77 can do for his coaching classes and show the anti immigrant attitude to divert everyone.

    Atleast this post is a bit relevant to immigration stuff happening. People should not worry about these if they are doing the right thing and are doing with in the lines.

    Yo, Mr/Ms Lawyer - Blog Feeds-Senior member, I understand that you are an immigration attorney and have every right to drum up business.
    BUT, please stop sympathising with these "Company A" and "Company B" types "consultants". These are nothing more than vampires who have created a huge mess for genuine EB applicants and are in a large part responsible for the mess that EB I/C finds itself in, today.

    Why are these companies so scared if they are following the law?
    The reason is because they are fraudsters, and have brought it upon themselves. I hope USCIS finds each and every one of these companies who have flooded the US market with EB-2 and EB-3 applicants, based on FAKE credentials. They need to be found, charged under applicable law, their assests seized and the owners of these companies put in the slammer.

    I have worked with contract houses who have long standing reputation in the market and will under no circumstances entertain or employ anybody who expects them to file any kind of visa or immigrant petition, unless their credentials are solid and they can pass an extensive background check.. Those companies have nothing to fear about.

    So, cry me a river...go ahead..


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  • jonty_11
    12-13 11:06 AM
    That is provided the dems are in pursuit of CIR.
    Pelosi never even talked abt CIR for her agenda 100 day or otherwise.....

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  • manderson
    11-05 02:19 PM
    and i thought i was alone...


    Looking at this 180 rule. I feel getting through this 180 days is being hell.

    All this becuase we need freedom and going through rough times.

    Good luck to one and all.


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  • gdilla
    02-28 11:59 AM
    I have one year left on my second H1. I am EB3, Canadian born category. Just got I-140 approved last week or so. I've been working here in California for the same employer for 6 years. My PD is Nov 04. I feel like I've taken a big career hit. I am so unhappy with my job - and I'm doing my best to improve the situation including having frank discusssion with the management here on how we can do things better. But they are so risk and change averse, it's so frustrating. I'm going to grad school for my MS in Eng Management part time. Alas, I am only 60% done, with another year to go. Let me put it this way, if i had my GC, I would quit tomorrow morning. I'd rather be unemployed than work here. I just want to concentrate on school and move my career towards strategic management, and management consulting, not engineering. I'm considering giving up and moving back home. I don't know if I can stay in this job for what it seems another 2-3 years!!! It's career suicide. I've been slowly trying to look for a better job, and I'm loathe to take on another eng position which I'm sure I can get without a problem. That is because my heart would not be in it. Any suggestions? Is it possible to just go home and continue the GC process? I can finish school remotely, it's not a problem where I am located.

    I work in the aerospace industry. Recently, our company got bought out by another large company. The new company has been shocked and seemingly no experience to having foreign nationals on staff. Because of export and ITAR issues, aerospace is traditionally and mostly gc and citizens only. In a gut reaction, the new company, for fear of violation of US export law, has restricted all FNs to strict hours (8-5 only), with escorts required at all other times. No weekends or holidays whatsoever. As an engineer, I did my best work in the evenings and weekends (because no one bothers me). Now it's very tough to get anything done, although I don't mind escaping here at 5pm everyday. But it's a truly hostile environment for fns now - they audit and restrict us from working on many things. Needless to say that this place will probably never hire another foreigner again. This has been a research oriented facility with many phds on staff, we've needed to attract top talent from around the world to come here. Not anymore. I'm the rare case of joining with only a bachelors. But I joined in 2001, when most were leaving for startups and they had high turnover and needed people.

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  • reverendflash
    10-21 03:54 AM
    No, no problem with asking me any question... just beware, I might just answer you! :P

    Nothing sinister... she's still alive, married again... hope she's happy (we've spoken twice in10 years)...

    Right after that I kinda had an epiphany about not liking who I was becoming, and saw it wasn't where she was going, so I left, at about 3:00 in the morning, with her ring in my hand (she threw it at me), and the clothes on my back...

    We will just say my life became much more spiritual from that night on... :cool:



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  • BECsufferer
    09-23 12:49 PM
    an email reply saying " ... Based on your request we researched the status of this case. We are actively processing this case. However, we have to perform additional review on this case and this has caused a longer processing time. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please call customer service at the number provided below." :rolleyes:

    My understanding ... bullshit! You ain't doing nothing.

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  • pappu
    12-17 03:42 PM
    2001 - dot com bubble burst;
    2008 - finance bubble burst;

    Our GC journeys have spanned 2 recessions and we could not even take advantage of the slight boom in the middle...how pathetic.

    Dates were current till 2005. They were again current in between.
    So it has been a game of luck. Many people got GCs and may even have citizenship by now. Until 2005 your luck depended on the state your labor was filed from.

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  • hk196712
    07-16 12:53 PM
    How to create the signature....sorry I don't know.

    hk196712 ,

    Please dont mind , when you ask / post a question please provide a brief describtion about ur situation which will enable all the readers and gurus to provide you an accurate answers. Say for example : PD, date filed and other details that you can see on many of signatures. Insdead of asking 10 questions to you , you might get the answer straight away...
    Not just you , but many of the users who are new to this form , please first explain your situation with details and then ask the actual question.


    09-27 11:57 AM
    Hello All, Pardon me if I'm bringing up the question that's already been answered, but couldn't find any answer anywhere in the forum.

    I just received my FP notice today but my wife hasn't received any. I'll wait few more days certainly before calling USCIS, but has anybody come across this situation? We had mailed all the applications together at NSC and have Receipt Notices.

    Does InfoPass come to any help here?

    Please suggest.

    Me and my wife recieved our FP notcies 4 days apart. i would say wait for a week before calling USCIS, but make sure you call before your appt itself. Also you can check with your attorney whether they have recieved the FP notice

    02-26 01:50 PM
    Phani, looks like you do not know your immigration lingo....read up on it, and if you do not have anything constructive to contribute, please do not contribute at all.