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old times: t.A.T.u - Not Gonna Get Us/Nas Ne Dogonyat

Va mai amintiti de trupa t.A.T.u din Rusia? Acel duo care a a avut un succes fulminant la inceputul anilor 2000, atat datorita hit-ului "Not Gonna Get Us"(Nas Ne Dogonyat), cat si datorita faptului ca erau lesbiene. Pana la urma au devzaluit ca totul a fost doar o strategie de marketing, care a functionat perfect. Melodia "Not Gonna Get Us", varianta engleza a "Nas Ne Dogonyat" a fost al doilea single promovat de pe albumul "200 km/h in the Wrong Lane" si a devenit unul dintre cele mai ascultate cantece in multe tari.

Do you remeber the Russian duo t.A.T.u? They reched fame not only because their songs but also because of the fact they pretended to be gay. After all it came out that this was just a great strategy to help them reach fame. The song "Not Gonna Get Us", English version of "Nas Ne Dogonyat" was the second single released from the album "200 km/h in the Wrong Lane", adn became a smash hit in many countries.

Nas Ne Dagonyat

Not Gonna Get Us
