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listen the LIVE: Noisettes

Daca ati fost la concertul pe care l-au sustinut anul trecut in Romania, cu siguranta stiti ce inseamna un show marca "Noisettes". Trupa britanica a lansat pana acum 2 albume: "What's Tte Time Mr. Wolf?" si "Wild Young Hearts" si va invit sa ascultati live piesele "Never Forget You", "Every Now And Then", "Wild Young Hearts", "Don't Give Up" si "Atticus".

British band "Noisettes" released 2 albums so far: "What's the Time Mr. Wolf?" and "Wild Young Hearts". If you participated of any of band's concerts you know what is a great show. If not, be my guests and listen some songs live: "Never Forget You", "Every Now And Then", "Wild Young Hearts", "Don't Give Up" and "Atticus".

Never Forget You

Every Now And Then

Wild Young Hearts

Don't Give Up

