Maybe you are one of the many people who had listen the song "W No Speak Americano" by Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP. If you didn't know, the song sampled the 1956 song "Tu vuo fa l'americano" by Italian singer Renato Carosone. This is one of his best known songs, among "Mambo Italiano" and "Caravan Petrol".
Poate ca esti unul dintre cei multi care au ascultat melodia "We No Speak Americano" de la Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP.
Daca nu stiai, melodia foloseste un sample din hit-ul lui Renato Carosone, "Tu vuo fa l'americano", lansat in anul 1956. Aceasta melodie este una dintre cele mai cunoscute ale sale, pe langa "Mambo Italiano" si "Caravan Petrol".