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Rihanna's "S&M" NOT for Radio or YouTube

Couple of days ago, Rihanna's latest video for "S&M" was deemed inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18 on YouTube. After this, is now the time for the single to be banned from radio playlists in 11 countries. If you want to watch the video, you can still do it HERE.

Acum cateva zile, noul videoclip al Rihannei pentru melodia "S&M" a fost interzis persoanelor sub 18 ani, de catre site-ul Youtube. Ca sa fie totul mai frumos, in 11 tari s-a decis interzicerea difuzarii melodiei la posturile de radio. In Marea Britanie, postul de radio "BBC Radio 1" nu permite difuzarea "S&M" inainte de ora 7 seara. Daca inca nu ati vazut videoclipul sau doriti sa il revedeti, o puteti face AICI.