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old times: Touch and Go - Tango In Harlem

"I Find You Very Attractive" (1999) este singurul album lansat de trupa britanica Touch and Go. Se pare insa ca a fost suficient pentru a le aduce succesul. Melodiile"Would You...?", "Straight to... Number One" si mai ales "Tango In Harlem" au rezistat de-a lungul timpului si inca se asculta la radio. Urmatorul album se va numi "Welcome Back" si va fi lansat in 2011.

"I Find You Very Attractive" (1999) is the only album released by the British band Touch and Go, but this was enough to reach success. Songs like "Would You...?", "Straight to... Number One" and especially "Tango In Harlem" are still requested at radio stations. The next album is "Welcome Back" due to release in 2011.